
Lethal weapons crucial amidst evolving crime scenario: MPS

Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau has emphasised the necessity of providing the Maldives Police Service (MPS) with lethal weapons in response to the evolving crime landscape in the country.

In an interview with PSM News, Shujau underscored the existing provisions granting sufficient authority to the MPS but stressed the importance of arming police officers, especially those involved in specialised or special operations, with lethal weapons in the future.

While current laws provide non-lethal weapons to officers in specific departments, Shujau expressed concerns about the heightened risks faced by the MPS due to evolving criminal activities. He cited instances where officers encounter dangerous situations while responding to incidents, emphasising the imperative of ensuring officer safety by providing adequate weaponry. Shujau noted the need to equip specialized MPS departments with lethal weapons to address escalating threats effectively.

Furthermore, Shujau highlighted ongoing deliberations regarding the provision of lethal weapons to the MPS, noting the existing practice of supplying non-lethal weapons such as batons and taser guns to officers in specialised units under the law.