
Kulhudhuffushi households granted a 50% discount on electricity bills

Fenaka Corporation Limited has resolved to facilitate a 50% discount on April electricity bills for Kulhudhuffushi residents. The decision was prompted by the ongoing disruption in the city's electric supply, followed by significant inconvenience to the public.

In a press release, Fenaka validated that efforts are underway, addressing the persistent power outages. Thus, it confirmed the expedite installation of an additional 800kW generator set aimed to substantially increase the electric supply.

Fenaka expressed deep concern and regret for the difficulties endured by the public due to the ongoing challenges in electric supply, acknowledging its significant impact on their every day life.

Furthermore, it reiterated that the provision of electricity has always been a big issue, as the consumption of electricity is greater than the amount generated. Thereby, resulting in regular power outages for an hour between 1200hrs to 1900hrs.

It was also disclosed that Kulhudhuffushi's instalment capacity currently stands at 7MW, with further plans for extension to 7.8MW.