
Handwriting contest to be held for Dhivehi Language Day

The Academy of Dhivehi Language has decided to hold an assembly and handwriting competition within government offices in celebration of Dhivehi Language Day.

Dhivehi Language Day falls annually on April 14. This year, it coincides with the reopening of government offices after a 17-day closure during Ramadan. As such, the academy has proposed that government offices conduct their assembly on April 15. Furthermore, the academy plans to conduct a handwriting competition open to employees of government ministries, independent institutions, and councils. The details regarding both the assembly and competition have been disseminated to relevant offices and ministries.

The decision to hold the handwriting competition aims to foster a deeper appreciation and enthusiasm for the Dhivehi language among office staff. It also seeks to recognise and encourage those with exceptional penmanship. Submissions are due by April 25 and the winner will be announced during a special ceremony hosted by the academy.

Established under Article 7 of the National Language (Priority) Bill, the Academy of Dhivehi Language is dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing the Dhivehi Language. Each year, it organises various events and competitions for both students and adults, with the goal of promoting the Dhivehi language and nurturing a love for it.