
India's helicopter is operated by employees of manufacturer: Foreign Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer has revealed the helicopters donated by India is being operated by employees of the manufacturer. He made the remarks addressing speculations urrounding the presence of Indian civilians operating helicopters donated by India somparing between their presence and that of Indian troops in the Maldives.

Speaking at a press conference, Foreign Minister Zameer emphasised that the civilians currently operating the helicopters are employees of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), the manufacturer of the helicopters. He reassured the public that the presence of these individuals does not pose a threat to national security, citing the peaceful coexistence of a significant Indian population in the Maldives engaged in various professions without incident.

Recalling that during the presidential election, concerns arose regarding the potential threat to national security if Indian troops remained in the Maldives, Minister Zameer said that in response, the government urged the Indian government to repatriate the troops, prioritising national sovereignty and security.

Currently, a team of twenty-six civilians, comprising non-military personnel, is responsible for operating and maintaining two helicopters and a Dornier aircraft donated by India.