
Gov't to release updated list of NGOs

The Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts has clarified that the list of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) currently circulating is outdated.

The list comprises 642 civil society organisations. However, the public has raised concerns that some highly active NGOs are not on the list. It includes NGOs that are significantly involved in raising religious awareness and other active groups.

The youth ministry, which manages the registry of NGOs, acknowledged that the list is neither complete nor updated. It said that the circulating list is old, and they are working on finalising and releasing a new, comprehensive list soon. It also assured that no NGO that has submitted the required documents and fulfilled administrative requirements in accordance with regulations will be removed from the list.

Notably, the excluded NGOs include Jamiyyathul Salaf, the Maumoon Foundation founded by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and Jamiyyathul Rahma led by Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohammed Shaheem Ali Saeed.