
Gov't reunites 22 children with families

Minister of Social and Family Development Dr. Aishath Shiham has disclosed that 22 children who were under the state's care have been united with families. The government has been exerting several efforts to create a safe a secure environment for children, ensuring they receive the necessary familial affection and care.

In an interview with PSM News, Minister Aishath Shiham noted a positive shift in societal attitudes towards fostering. The minister highlighted that increased awareness about fostering has generated interest among families and couples willing to provide homes for children. As a result, 22 children have been successfully united with foster families, and an additional 22 are currently undergoing the relevant procedures before they are united with families.

Furthermore, Minister Aishath Shiham emphasised that this year has seen the lowest number of children in state care to date. Currently, there are 167 children residing in 14 different centres under government supervision. Experts have indicated that, despite the efforts of fostering centres, the care, and affection provided by families cannot be fully replicated. Therefore, the government is committed to expediting the process of placing all children under state care with suitable families.