
Marathoner Nasrullah presents his 95th medal and jersey to the VP

Maldivian athlete and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Sergeant First Nasrullah Ahmed has presented his 95th marathon medal and jersey to Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef. He awarded the medal and jersey to the president at a special ceremony held at the President’s Office.

During the ceremony, Vice President acknowledged Nasrullah’s achievements and congratulated him for his outstanding performance. The Vice President also encouraged Nasrullah to persevere towards his goal of attaining the record number of marathons completed in the Asia Region. He also enquired about Nasrullah’s needs and discussed ways to facilitate his career path.

Nasrullah, who started his marathon running career in early 1999, deems 2018 as his most successful year throughout his career in which he participated in 13 marathons and clocking all the marathons ahead of the given finishing time. One of Nasrullah’s most notable achievements is securing first place, completing his run at the Hindustan Marathon held in New Delhi, India, in 2020.