
President forms a taskforce to monitor situation following severe weather

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has a formed a special taskforce to monitor the situation of the country, following the severe weather conditions. The President's Office explained this initiative aims to monitor the country's current state and swiftly address the issues and inconveniences faced by those affected by the torrential downpour.

The first meeting of the taskforce was chaired by President Dr. Muizzu. The taskforce includes: Minister of Defence Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon, Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan, Minister of Education Dr. Ismail Shafeeu, Minister of Health Dr. Abdulla Khaleel, Minister of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim, Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef Umar, Chief of Staff Abdulla Fayaz, Chief of Defence Force Major General Ibrahim Hilmy and the Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau.

The past 24 hours saw the heaviest rainfall recorded in the Maldives since the past nine years. The heavy rainfalls affected several islands and the respective authorities have been exerting their maximum efforts to ensure the safety and security of all the residents.