
License, registration of food service providers to be renewed under law

The Ministry of Health is set to announce transitional regulations for the registration of certain service establishments within the next two weeks under the newly enacted Food Safety Act.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu passed the Food Safety Act on May 23, and it will come into force on August 23. The act establishes a comprehensive framework to regulate food safety, ensuring that all food products are free from harmful substances and meet established standards. The act also includes measures and penalties for cases that pose a public health threat.

The primary goal of the act is to set standards for various aspects of food production and preparation, including packaging, labeling, preservation, storage, trade, supply, and distribution. It outlines the licensing requirements for establishments involved in these processes and specifies hygiene standards for individuals working in them to ensure food safety. However, temporary markets, vehicles, and stands that provide residential and food services are exempt from registration.

The Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) will become a legally empowered authority with the enforcement of the act. The responsibilities of licensing and registering food products, currently managed by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), will be transferred to the MFDA.

Speaking to PSM News, Deputy Minister of Health Ismail Zahir said that the registration and licensing of establishments must be completed within six months of the enforcement of the law. He said that the health ministry and the MFDA have already begun this work, and the transitional regulations for issuing licenses and registrations should be publicised within a month. He also noted that the development of these regulations is nearing completion, and the MFDA will release the interim regulations within the next two weeks.

The regulations will outline the types of food items that must be registered with the MFDA before being sold. It will also classify food service establishments and the services they provide, with the classification system included in the regulations. In addition, the license fee for food service establishments will be payable annually, based on the classification of the establishment.

The law states that providing any food service in the Maldives without a food license is prohibited. The MFDA has the authority to order the immediate closure of the premises and take necessary actions to enforce the closure, if such an incident occurs. It also holds the power to revoke licenses depending on the circumstances.