
Gov't says MPI is crucial to ensure equal development

Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed has underscored the crucial role of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), in promoting equitable development across the Greater Male' Region and the atolls. The MPI is a comprehensive poverty measure that reflects the multiple deprivations that poor people face in the areas of education, health, and living standards, beyond just income poverty.

At the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network held at Uzbekistan, Minister Dr. Haidar stated that the MPI will provide assistance to the government to determine the various sectors which can be enhanced to increase the living standards of the residents. The minister also emphasised the importance of developing the atolls and islands at the same standard as the development of the Greater Male' Region, underlining the MPI's essential role in achieving balanced development.

In his address, Minister Dr. Haidar shed light on the government's policies and measures implemented, aiming to reform and stabilise the economy. The minister disclosed that the government is working to ensure that subsidies and social benefits are provided to only those who need it the most.

Following the introduction of MPI, Minister Dr. Haidar recognised the diligent efforts of the Maldives Bureau of Statistics and the National Social Protection Agency (NSPA), to determine and reduce the percentage of individuals living in poverty. The minister stated that 28% of the population lives in poverty, citing the statistics from 2020.