
India to establish permanent route for perishable goods to Kulhudhuffushi

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Maldives Ports Limited Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim has revealed that India is working to establish a permanent supply route for importing perishable goods to Kulhudhuffushi City in Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

Speaking to PSM News, Wajeeh highlighted that the port in Kulhudhuffushi has not seen significant development in the last 19 years and has been operating at a loss. He, however, said efforts are now underway to turn the port into a profitable venture. He also revealed plans to set up a boatyard at the port for constructing fiberglass boats, and a jetty is also being built to facilitate easier access for vessels.

Additionally, Wajeeh further stated that MPL is working to establish a permanent import route for perishable goods from India, targeting a launch by late September or early October. He emphasised that local business owners in Kulhudhuffushi would be consulted before finalising the arrangements. Once operational, he said that the imports from India are expected to provide cheaper goods to the region, with the possibility of shipments every 10 days depending on preferences of local businesses.

MPL said that perishable goods were initially brought to Addu City from Tuticorin via wooden cargo ships. MPL and Hithadhoo Port Limited have collaborated with India's Finance Group to ensure a consistent supply of perishable goods using steel cargo ships since July last year. The first cargo ship, carrying 150 tonnes of goods, docked in Addu on July 10 of this year. While the service initially struggled to gain traction in Addu, it has since found a market and is receiving positive feedback from local businesses.