
Record number of guests invited to Independence Day reception

The President’s Office on Monday said the President had invited a record number of guests to the official reception to be held on the occasion of Independence Day.

The official reception, hosted by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim, will be held at the Islamic Centre grounds Tuesday evening.

Spokesperson at the President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz Ali said the President had sent out invitations to over 4,000 guests.

All arrangements of the function are being undertaken by the President’s Office.

Muaz said arrangements were being made for the ease of the guests attending the function, including changes to the traffic flow in the Islamic Centre area.

He said a caterer was selected through a bidding process, as per procedures, for the function which is set to start at 8:45PM on Tuesday.

According to the President's Office, President Yameen and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim will participate in 5 of the activities held as part of the Independence Day celebrations; the official flag hoisting ceremony held tonight, the official reception held Tuesday night, float parade on July 27, music festival on July 28 and the military display slated for July 30.