
Police to close roads for Independence Day events

Police on Monday said some streets of Male' would be closed for the Independence Day celebrations.

In an advisory, Police said some streets surrounding the Islamic Centre would be closed to traffic on July 26 for the official Independence Day reception.

They said parts of Bodu Thakurufaanu Magu, Ameer Ahmed Magu, Medhu Ziyaaraiiy Magu, Ibrahim Hassan Didi Magu, Orchid Magu, Fareedhee Magu, Chaandhanee Magu, Mohamed Ismail Didi Goalhi, Shaheed Kuda Adamge Kuda Thuhthu Hingun, Shaheed Abdulla Zuhair Hingun and Shaheed Hussein Mohamed Hingun, in addition to Shaheed Adam Naseer Hingun and Jumhoory Hingun would be closed for the event.