
"Adeeb should repay the embezzled money to go for medicals"

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb should repay the embezzled money to the state if he wishes to go abroad for medical treatment.

The opposition political movement have been raising concerns about the health condition of former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, who is currently completing a long term jail sentence. In addition, the opposition have also been raising concerns over the issue of denial of Adeeb's plea to go abroad for his medicals and have constantly accused President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on the corruption case of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC).

At the press conference held at PPM Office, President Yameen addressed the oppositions concerns and said that former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb can be permitted to leave the county for medical treatment once he repays the embezzled money to the state. The government would not restrict any medical aids such as doctors and equipment brought to treat Adeeb's health condition, President Yameen further said.

Noting that the funds raised for the 2013 presidency campaign was managed by Adeeb, President Yameen revealed that he was unaware of any corruption activities that might have occurred or may have been carried out to generate the funds. Responding to the corruption allegations against himself, President Yameen said that none of the former governments were successful in their attempts to probe corruption cases, but his administration has worked against corruption related cases, including the investigation and imprisonment of the Vice President of his administration.

The parliamentarians who had defected to the opposition have neglected the promises and hopes of the public, President further stated. In addition, President Yameen also requested the defected parliamentarians to re-join PPM to continue to work for the development of the country. Noting that he is disheartened by the move by the parliamentarians, the President said that the stand of PPM towards the prosperity of Maldives would remain unaffected.