
Maldives & Bangladesh exemplary in advocating rights of small states

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Asim has stated Maldives and Bangladesh portray an exemplary role in advocating for the rights of small and least developed countries at the international fora.

Addressing the official function held by the Embassy of Bangladesh in Maldives to celebrate the occasion, the Maldivian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Asim highlighted the decade-long bond between the two countries. In this regard, Minister Asim cited that Maldives and Bangladesh are famous for their cowry shell business, but today after almost four decades of diplomatic ties the bond between both countries have expanded in additional fields. Minister Asim highlighted the great assistance provided by the Bangladeshi government and its people in fields such as health, trade and fisheries.

Continuing on, the Foreign Minister highlighted the diplomatic relations between the two countries are strong, vibrant and is anchored on mutual understanding, shared values and goodwill. On behalf of the government of Maldives, the Minister also congratulated the government and people of Bangladesh on achieving the United Nations accepted threshold for graduation from the least developed country status and expressed well wishes as Bangladesh prepares its transition to the middle income developing category.

Minister further reiterated the commitment of the Maldivian government to work closely with Bangladesh, bilaterally, regionally as SAARC members and internationally, to further strengthen and enhance the bilateral ties between the two countries.

“Bangladesh has always been a steadfast partner and a reliable ally to Maldives and its people. Maldives will always be grateful for the assistance provided by Bangladesh towards our development in many ways especially in the health sector” Minister Asim said.

Addressing the function, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Maldives Rear Admiral Akhtar Habib highlighted the long battle the freedom fighters had fought and stated Bangladesh has established itself as an exemplary nation in the small span of 47 years of independence. Ambassador Akhtar Habib noted the vision of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to transit from a least developed country to a middle income country by 2021.

“We have slowly but surely embarked on a democratic system and is heading towards economic prosperity. Today under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina we have adopted a long term plan to transform the country” Ambassador Akhtar Habib said. The Ambassador said Maldives has played a crucial role in the development of the country.

The function which was attended by high level dignitaries from both Maldives and abroad concluded with a segment of cultural performances.