
Foreign Secretary departs to attend Non-Aligned Movement Meeting

Foreign Secretary of Maldives Ahmed Sareer has attended the Senior Officials Meeting of the Mid-term Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement of countries (NAM).
At the meeting held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from April 4-6, the Foreign Secretary will represent Maldives and its interests. The Meeting brought together members of the Movement who aims to represent the political, economic and cultural interests of the developing world. Foreign Secretary Sareer will address the Member States on the April 5, at the General Debate, and he will also meet with important bilateral partners at the side-lines of the meeting.
Maldives became a member of the NAM on August 15, 1976 and has since then, participated and contributed to the work of the Movement. NAM was established in 1956 and counts 120 countries amongst its membership.