
IAC hands over Ghouta funds IHH

International Aid Campaign (IAC) has handed over all funds collected from the "Ghouta Emergency Relief" campaign to Turkey's Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH).
Through the "Ghouta Emergency Relief" Campaign the organisation accumulated a total of over USD 89,769 , according to the International Aid Campaign.
IAC initiated a nationwide relief campaign from February 25 to March 11 to raise funds for the Muslims trapped in the Syrian city of Ghouta.
IAC attributed the delay in transferring the funds to difficulties in the currency exchange process, but assured that the full amount has been handed over to Turkey's Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) on April 2, 2018.
The organisation launched a nation-wide campaign with the affiliation of various other local non-governmental organisations to help the residents of Ghouta, Syria. IAC accepted financial aid alone during the campaign.
Earlier IAC played a crucial and prominent role in organizing and delivering relief aid via fund-raising events organised to help Muslims in crisis such as the Rohigya population of Myanmar and other crises in Syrian cities.
Fund raising events such as jumble sales, cupcake sales and octopus hunting were organised to raise fund for "Ghouta Emergency Relief".