
New goods-clearance guidelines have made work efficient: MPL

Assistant Chief Executive Officer of Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) Rabeeh Mohamed has stated that with the recent changes brought to the goods-clearance guidelines, speed and efficiency of work at MPL have improved.
Addressing a press conference Assistant CEO Rabeeh Mohamed revealed that with the latest changes brought to the goods-clearance guidelines, the staff of the company have been at the receiving end of major benefits such as the reduction of workload.
Rabeeh said, with alterations brought to the goods-clearance regulations and goods- carrying hours, various concerns were raised. He however assured, all concerns have now been addressed. In this regard, Rabeeh noted that this change has prompted in speedy and efficient operations by the company.
Addressing the press, Head of Cargo of MPL Ahmed Inaan noted that all staff of the company have been content with the changes brought to working hours.
With the new changes heavy goods can be transferred from 1800 hours to 0600 hours. However, an exemption has been granted for the transfer of cooking gas, which is allowed to be delivered from 0830 hours to 1100 hours.