
Chief Judge Abdulla Saeed, Judge Ali Hameed sentenced over abuse of power

Criminal Court of the Maldives has sentenced Chief Judge Abdulla Saeed and Judge Ali Hameed to 1 year 7 months and 6 days in prison over abuse of power.
Due to influencing other judges of the Supreme Court to issue the order of February 1, Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed were found guilty of the charges raised by the state. Chief justice Abdulla Saeed and Judge Ali Hameed also face other charges including terrorism following the attempt to overthrow the lawfully elected government.
Earlier, Chief Judge Abdulla Saeed was sentenced to 4 months and 24 days in prison over the suspension of Government E-letter Management System (GEMS). Following the interruption of GEMS, the government raised charges of the impediment of the functioning of the state on Abdulla Saeed. Witness testimonies proved Abdulla Saeed is guilty beyond reasonable doubt and noted the defence had not been able to produce evidence on the contrary, according to the verdict.