
Migration health monitor mechanism is important: Health Minister

Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim has said the best approach to eliminate spread of diseases such as Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids is to strengthen the health monitoring mechanism of people migrating in the South East Asia region.
South East Asia region has a high record of diseases such as Tuberculosis and AIDS, Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim noted addressing the SAARC meeting on programme managers on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS control programme and cross-border issue held at Paradise Island Resort.
In this regard, Minister Nazim highlighted the work carried out by the regional countries to tackle the diseases. He highlighted the meeting is a grand platform for the high level officials to gather and find a realistic approach to decrease the spread of such diseases.
SAARC meeting on programme managers on Tuberculosis and HIV AIDS control programme and cross-border issue was held from May 13 to 15. The meeting was attended by representatives from 8 countries.
The meeting is organised by TB HIV/AIDS Centre which functions under SAARC and Ministry of Health of Maldives. A special plan would be structured at the end of the 3-day meeting on the actions taken to control the spread of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, according to the Ministry.