
HPA calls to take united precautionary measures to avoid sickness

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has called to take precautionary measures to avoid getting sick during the current outbreak of fever and flu in the country. HPA revealed best outcome can be attained by doing their individual role in ensuring the precautionary measures are taken.
Due to the changes in the weather pattern and the rainy season the spread and breading of vectors is at the highest peak during this period, Epidemiologist at HPA Ibrahim Afzal said speaking on a programme aired on PSM News, Epidemiologist at Health Protection Agency (HPA) Ibrahim Afzal said due to the changes in the weather pattern and the rainy season the spread and breading of vectors is at the highest peak during this period. In this regard, Afzal noted that cases of fever, flu and especially dengue.
Continuing on, Ibrahim Afzal called to take precautionary measures to avoid getting sick during the current outbreak of fever and flu in the country. He revealed that best outcome can be attained by doing their individual role in ensuring the precautionary measures are taken.
Speaking on the programme Respiratory Physician at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) Dr. Moosa Hassan stated Maldives being a country made from isolated pieces of land, the country is more vulnerable for the spread of such vector borne diseases. On this note, Moosa Hassan said that IGMH is observing such trends very closely and assured that the hospital would take all the measures in its hand to prevent the spread of such diseases. He requested the public to avoid going to hospitals unless necessary and emphasized that small children and old people are vulnerable to these diseases.