
HPA warns of possible Nipah outbreak in Maldives

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has warned public over a possible outbreak of Nipah Virus in Maldives, which is rapidly spreading in Kerala, India.
In a statement, the health authority revealed it is monitoring the situation closely and advised to stay vigilant. HPA assured it is taking necessary measures to ensure the disease does not spread in Maldives.
Even though there are no signs of Nipah virus in Maldives, HPA urged to stay vigilant since the host bat is found in the country. Moreover, the authority advised to take necessary precautions when travelling to Indian state, Kerala.
The Nipah virus is an emerging zoonotic pathogen which is a virus transmitted to humans from animals with disturbing abilities. First detected in Kampung Sungai Nipah, Malaysia, in 1998, pigs were the intermediate hosts. No cases were reported after in Malaysia and Singapore. However, the natural hosts are fruit bats of Pteropus species.
The virus spreads directly from human-to-human through close contact with people's secretions and excretions. Eating partially-eaten fruits by infected bats and partially-cooked meat of infected animals can also trigger the virus. Fever, sore throat, headaches, vomiting and muscle pain are some of the common signs, according to HPA.
The authority said even though there is no vaccine or drug available for humans or animals, the primary treatment is intensive supportive care for people suffering from severe respiratory and neurologic complications.
Furthermore, HPA advised to pay special attention to hygienic practices when selling and consuming fruits.