
Maldives Business Awards open for nominations and sponsorship

The Maldives Business Awards, initiated by Blazon Inc., has opened opportunity for nominations, sponsorship and designing of the awards.
Nominations for the awards will be open until June 23, with sponsorships open until June 14, Chief Strategy Officer Ahmed Asbab revealed speaking at an event held at Blazon Inc. Office. He added awards will not be conferred to well-known companies and instead the most suitable company would be prioritised for the award in accordance with the awarding criteria and the performance of the company.
The Maldives Business Awards will be held on July 22. During the awards ceremony, 28 awards from 4 categories will be conferred to the winners. Maldives Business Awards will be conferred to businesses who have shown exceptional performances in respective fields throughout the years. The award aims to introduce a platform to recognise and acclaim the businesses and further encourage the businesses to achieve success in the future.