
Bad weather causes damage to Kulhudhuffushi airport development site

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has revealed the revetments put in place to protect the reclaimed area in the northern side of Kulhudhuffushi have been damaged due to unfavourable weather conditions.
MTCC revealed bout an area of 300 feet was damaged from the Kulhudhuffushi Airport development site. Some efforts to solve the issue are underway, added MTCC, noting it can only be fully completed once the weather conditions improve.
MTCC reclaimed an area of 15 hectares for the airport development project in Kulhudhuffushi in Haa Dhaalu Atoll which includes 6 hectares from lagoon and 9 hectares from the mangrove area. The company expects to complete the project to construct the runway, taxiway and apron at Kulhudhuffushi Airport by July of this year. The project of Kulhudhuffushi Airport development includes the construction of a 1,000 metre long and 30 metre wide runway. The state has allocated a budget of almost USD 12 million for the project.