
Kulhudhuffushi Airport project ongoing at a fast pace: Tourism Minister

Minister of Tourism Moosa Zameer has stated Kulhudhuffushi Airport development project is ongoing at a fast pace as hoped by the government. The Tourism Minister made the remarks speaking with PSM News after monitoring the development brought to the area.
Lauding the efforts of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), Tourism Minister Zameer revealed efforts are going at a pace which is expected by the government and the government is happy about the progress. The Minister noted all equipment has been brought to the work site and the project would be completed as scheduled.
The project which costs USD 12 million and funded by the state budget was launched in November 2017 by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom. The airport will be developed with a 1,200-metre long runway, a taxiway and an apron to park aircraft.