
Girl Guides donates kitchen equipment to Home For People With Special Needs

Maldives Girl Guides Association has donated kitchen equipment to the Home of People with Special Needs in Guraidhoo of Kaafu Atoll as part of its annual Eid Project. The equipment was received by the Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim, at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Health.
Speaking at the ceremony, Health Minister Abdulla Nazim appreciated the efforts of Girl Guides in providing continuous assistance to the Home of People with Special Needs. Meanwhile, Commissioner for Public Relations at Girl Guides Association Sham'oona Shameem noted the association has been visiting the Home of People with Special Needs continuously for the past 18 years. She expressed the main aim of organising a trip for the Home of People with Special Needs is spending time with them and learn about their living conditions.
The Eid Project, initiated by Maldives Girl Guides Association in 2000, was commenced as a community service project by the Young leader's branch of the association.