
1,089 complaints filed over provisional voters list

Elections Commission of the Maldives has revealed it has received 1,089 complaints regarding the provisional voters list.
The complaints were received from political parties and individuals, member of the Elections Commission Ahmed Akram stated speaking on a programme aired on PSM News. Most complaints were filed regarding the names of deceased and children underage being included in the list, Ahmed Akram said.
Highlighting on complaints forwarded by political parties, Akram revealed Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) met with the commission and expressed the allocated time frame was not enough. MDP stated there were difficulties in filling the complaint submission form provided by the commission, he further noted.
Moreover, Akram revealed the time frame to submit complaints was extended compared to the presidential election held in 2013 and added the forms were also used in previous elections. The commission must be answerable to the complaints filed regarding the voters list within five days, according to the constitution.
Furthermore, Akram revealed the final list will be published in July 1, after addressing the complaints. The presidential election is scheduled to be held on September 23.