
Architecture students from MNU hold an exhibition

Architecture students from Faculty of Science and Technology of Maldives National University (MNU) have held an exhibition to show their talent and creativity. The exhibition is held at the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies and will conclude on June 28.
A number of designs of the students are being showcased at the exhibition. The main aim of the exhibition is to show the efforts and talent of the students and to interest others to study architecture, according to the Head of Department of Architecture Ibrahim Nadheem.
At the Maldivian culture theme-based exhibition, designs from the historical places of Utheemu would be showcased. A lot of knowledge and experience were gained and they are thrilled and proud to have their designs showcased on a platform such as the exhibition, according to the participants of the exhibition.
Since 2010, MNU has been offering a degree programme from architecture in the Faculty of Science and Technology and around 60 students have graduated in the past 7 and half years. The architecture sector is getting a lot of support from the youth. Currently, over 60 students are studying architecture from MNU.