
CMFB will be completed before contracted date: Housing Minister

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has assured China Maldives Friendship Bridge will be completed and inaugurated before the contracted date. In a tweet, Minister Muizzu noted the contractor has taken the initiative to complete the construction by July 9 and to inaugurate the bridge on July 26.
The China Maldives Friendship Bridge was contracted to CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Company of China on July, 9 2015. The construction of the largest mega structure ever to be built in Maldives should be completed by September 25, according to the contract.
Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has revealed the joining of the last two pillars of the 1.39 kilometer bridge is currently in progress. The pillars are connected using steel box girder beams fabricated and brought from China.
The 1.39 kilometre long bridge will connect the capital, Male' city and Hulhule'.
It is estimated the bridge would cost about USD 210 million, of which USD 126 million will be funded by the government of China as grant aid.