
PSM officially launches MMI

Public Service Media (PSM) has officially launched its training centre, Maldives Media Institute (MMI).
MMI was officially inaugurated by Minister of Tourism Moosa Zameer at a special function held at the Radio Building of PSM.
MMI which was established in 2015 to develop human resource for the creative industry is also the first ever media training institution in Maldives to conduct international level media courses. MMI was launched with a campus for the institution located in Radio Building of PSM.
Addressing the ceremony held to launch MMI, Chief Guest of the ceremony, Minister of Tourism Moosa Zameer, noted the importance attached by the president to develop youth in every sector alike, adding the establishment of MMI will boost the efforts of the government to enhance human resource in the creative industry. MMI does not necessarily train only journalists, but rather offer courses in many sectors which is an incentive, added Minister Zameer.
Meanwhile, Deputy Managing Director of PSM Mohamed Ikram Abdul Latheef said the institution will provide opportunity to every individual who is interested to work in the industry, adding every youth has the chance to attain studies in MMI while staying in Maldives. Mohamed Ikram also shed light on the importance attached by Managing Director of PSM Ibrahim Khaleel to enhance the creative industry of Maldives.
While MMI is gearing up to conduct various international programmes from Limkokwing University, prominent figures from the Malaysian-based educational institute attended the ceremony.
Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President of Limkokwing University Dato Tiffanee Marie Lim highlighted various courses of the university are conducted in different countries, expressing hope the collaboration with MMI will be fruitful. Dato Tiffanee Marie Lim lauded the efforts of PSM and the support and hospitality extended by its management.
Even though MMI was officially launched today, courses of different levels have been conducted by the institution, with dozens of graduates now active in the field.