
Fuel hydrant network now connected to apron: MACL

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has revealed connecting fuel hydrant network to the apron of Velana International Airport (VIA) has been completed. The fuel hydrant network consists of a network of pipes that transports fuel from tanks to aircraft while managing fuel intake. VIA currently uses special vehicles to fuel the aircrafts.
The establishment of the fuel hydrant network is a crucial part of the fuel farm, Managing Director of MACL Adil Moosa highlighted speaking to the media on a tour held to reveal information about the airport expansion project. In this regard, Adil Moosa added aircrafts will be fuelled via the fuel hydrant network, upon completion of new fuel tanks.
Noting fuelling will take less time and will be easier and efficient than the current arrangement; Adil Moosa revealed the foundation of the three fuel tanks, which will store jet fuel, has been completed. He noted, efforts are underway to construct the roof top of the tanks which is expected to be completed within 6 months.
MACL said the development of the new fuel farm will enable fuelling of the aircraft by a hydrant pipeline without having to move the aircraft. MACL aims to develop a new fuel farm that will consist of 3 fuel tanks, as part of the expansion project of VIA.
The development of the new fuel farm, which would triple the current capacity of fuel storage, was contracted to Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG). The new fuel farm is being developed in two phases, with 3 fuel tanks established in the first phase.