
Maldives says US statement is an act of intimidation

The government of Maldives has taken note with concern the statement issued by the US Department of State on 6 September 2018.
In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government of Maldives said it views the statement, on the eve of the presidential elections, as an act of intimidation, imposing undue influence on the democratic processes of a sovereign state. The government said such statements are not helpful, and urged the US and all international partners to allow the people of the Maldives to freely decide on September 23, on who should lead them for the next five years.
Furthermore, the government of Maldives reiterates its commitment to hold free, fair and credible elections and has been working closely with the Elections Commission of Maldives and all other relevant stakeholders to achieve this objective. The two competing candidates in the election are actively campaigning and hosting rallies across the country, in a democratic and conducive environment on a level playing field for both candidates, the statement noted. The Elections Commission has been very transparent about the election process and has been engaging with the public and the political parties to ensure that their concerns are well addressed and has also invited a number of international observers to monitor the presidential election, according to the statement issued by the government.
The government said it recognises the keen interest of some of its international partners, including the US, in the political developments in the country and their efforts to help consolidate democracy in the Maldives. However, such interests, if pursued through intimidation and unnecessary threats of coercive actions, in such a highly contested election, especially just few weeks before the election date, would not be in the best interest of the Maldivian people. The statement further said it should be noted the Maldives has no political prisoners, and all those who have been convicted have undergone due process.
On conclusion, the government said on September 23, the people of the Maldives should be allowed to cast their votes without any form of interference or intimidation. Similarly, the election officials should be allowed to manage the election process and hold the election as per the Constitution of the Maldives and the relevant laws and regulations of the country, according to the government.