
Maldivians do not welcome temporary governments: Shaheem

Running mate of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has stated Maldivians are well aware of political ploys and do not want a temporary government as proposed by the opposition coalition.
Speaking at a ceremony held to inaugurate a PPM campaign quarter in Ban'didhoo in Dhaalu Atoll, the running mate of the ruling party said if a coalition government comes to power Maldives will face unrecoverable amount of damage, adding all such situations have to be borne by the citizens. Noting the opposition coalition is only working to bring a temporary government, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem expressed Maldivians do not want to risk the halt of rapid development by establishing a temporary coalition governments which would drag the country in to political instability and chaos.
Shaheem went on to note the opposition coalition is impotent to work in unity which has been proven in the past, highlighting Maldivians will not bow down to baseless pledges and political statements. Citing the rumours spread by opposition to defame the ruling party, Shaheem stated the opposition coalition is known for misleading the citizens.
The PPM running mate is currently on a tour of Dhaalu Atoll, as part of the campaign efforts to re-elect President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom to a second term in office. Shaheem has visited Meedhoo, Rinbidhoo, Helhudheli and Ban'didhoo and inquired about their needs and vision for Maldives.