
Elections Commission to ensure all media representatives are given opportunity to cover election

The Elections Commission of Maldives has reiterated it will follow all required legal procedures to ensure all eligible media representatives will be given the opportunity to cover the presidential election held on September 23.
Noting with concern the false allegations circulating in the media regarding international media coverage of the presidential election, in a manner that create concern and mistrust among domestic and international partners at such a crucial time for the country, the elections commission called upon all parties to refrain from spreading misinformation regarding the election processes which may create mistrust in the public and our international partners, and support the commission in its commitment to hold a free, fair, impartial, and transparent election.
Moreover, in a statement, the electoral body stated it announced the opportunity for media representatives to monitor the election and called for applications from interested media representatives between June 26 and August 14, to allow for international monitoring of the election in compliance with the Presidential Elections Act and Regulation, as well as international best practices and procedures.
Highlighting any foreign media representatives interested in traveling to Maldives to cover the election should adhere to the relevant rules and procedures in place, including immigration guidelines, the elections commission encouraged media representatives, on multiple instances, to submit the applications.
Furthermore, the commission said it received 37 applications within the given timeframe, out of which 11 were rejected due to insufficient documentation and any applications submitted after the deadline was rejected accordingly. Hence, the commission reaffirmed its commitment to afford the opportunity to any international media personnel to take part in observing the election as long as the necessary requirements have been met.
Meanwhile, on August 29, Maldives Immigration stated all parties interested in covering, observing or monitoring the presidential election will require to obtain a business visa. The business visa will only be issued for those who are given authorisation by Elections Commission of Maldives to cover, observe or monitor the presidential elections, according to a statement issued by the Maldives Immigration.
Moreover, Maldives Immigration also highlighted engaging in any activity or work to monitor, observe or cover the election by any person holding a tourist visa is a punishable offence under the Maldivian Immigration Law and necessary legal action will be taken against those who are found to be in violation of the Immigration Act. Maldives Immigration also expressed any incomplete applications will be cancelled.
Appealing that business visa applicants should arrive in Maldives only after the approval of visa is granted, Maldives Immigration stated those who arrive prior to issuance of visa will be sent back upon arrival.
The deadline for applying for a business visa to cover, observe or monitor the presidential election is September 15, according to Maldives Immigration.