
President conveys National Day felicitations to the King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

On the occasion of the 88th National Day of Saudi Arabia, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has conveyed warm greetings and good wishes to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad Bin Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, as well as the government and the fraternal people of Saudi Arabia.

In his message to the King, President Yameen noted Saudi Arabia is a pioneer in development and progress and a broker of peace and stability. In this regard, the president expressed his prayers for the continued strength and resolves of the King, in guiding the people of Saudi Arabia towards further affluence and well-being.

Furthermore, the president highlighted in his letter to the Crown Prince, the National Day is a felicitous occasion to reaffirm the collective endeavour of the government and the people of Saudi Arabia to attain the envisioned model of an even more vibrant, thriving and ambitious Saudi Arabia, as charted in Vision 2030. The president also noted that he is confident that under the able stewardship of the Crown Prince, Saudi Arabia will prosper to new heights.

In both messages, the president reflected on the 37 years of formal diplomatic ties between the Maldives and Saudi Arabia. He reaffirmed his firm commitment and eagerness to expand the scope of the existing development partnership through jointly exploring new avenues for cooperation and elevate the brotherly ties of close cooperation and reciprocity between the two countries.

The National Day of Saudi Arabia commemorates the unification of the modern-day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by King Abdul-Aziz.