
If this is my penalty for upholding nationalistic values, I accept it: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated if his defeat in the presidential election is the penalty for refusing to compromise nationalistic values such as upholding Islamic faith, national character and sovereignty of Maldives, he accepts it as a punishment. President Abdulla Yameen made the statement in his maiden address at the extraordinary national congress ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), after being elected as the party president.

In his speech, the incumbent president reiterated the stance of the party in the future and noted PPM would transform into a responsible opposition party. President Yameen added PPM has always been a party that prioritised patriotism over personal gain and notable figures of the party defected because they refused to adhere to these values.

In his emotional address, President Yameen highlighted the challenges PPM and the outgoing administration faced during their tenure. In this regard, the president described the en masse floor crossing of parliamentarians elected on PPM tickets, as a coup within the party. Describing the common members of the party as the main drive behind it, President Yameen appealed to increase the powers granted to common members.

Reflecting on his defeat in the September 23 polls, the president said he would not make the defeat reason to stop his service to the public. He also appealed the President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to prioritise development, above all.