
President-Elect calls on President Yameen to respect election results

President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's Spokesperson Mariya Ahmed Didi has called on incumbent President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom to prioritise the safety of citizens and refrain from creating unrest in the country.

In her daily press briefing, Mariya said the Maldivian citizens have decided and their decision should be respected. The spokesperson noted this sentiment was echoed by the Minister of Defence Adam Shareef Umar, when the Interim Security Committee formulated by the President-Elect met officials from the Ministry of Defence.

Noting President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih paid a call on former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mariya said the former president expressed confidence in Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's ability to maintain the unity within the coalition. The former president made the statement referring to accusatory statements by the incumbent president against the Elections Commission.

When asked about the credibility of the Elections Commission, Spokesperson Mariya said when the accusations follow an election defeat before which PPM was blind to the concerns raised by the opposition about the electoral process, it only portrays President Yameen as someone who is trying to create unrest in the country.