
President-Elect calls to refrain from creating unrest in the country

President-Elect of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has called to refrain from activities which will create unrest in the country by refusing to accept the decision made by the people.

Speaking to media following the meeting with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the president-elect described the protests of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), after creating uncertainty on the credibility of the official results of the presidential election, is an act to create unrest in the country. Noting the people had decided on September 23, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih expressed the decision will be maintained and the security forces must adhere to the decision and work to maintain it.

While the president-elect has appealed to refrain from creating chaos in the country, PPM has been voicing out concerns on the official results of the presidential election. However, the Elections Commission of Maldives has revealed no official complaint has been filed regarding the electoral procedure or the result of the election.