
Opposition prepares for return of Nasheed, Gasim and Ali Waheed

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has announced he plans to return to Maldives on the first of November.

In a message sent to the parliamentary group of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) about his impending return, the former president said he planned to return and face any consequences, regardless of the fact the courts of law have not declared what would be the course of action on his prospective return.

In 2015, Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment after being found guilty of terrorism for giving the command to arrest the former Chief Judge of the Criminal Court Abdulla Mohamed. However, since being granted medical leave to obtain treatment abroad, Nasheed has been living abroad, after being granted political asylum in the UK.

In addition to Nasheed, founder of Jumhooree Party Gasim Ibrahim and President of Jumhooree Party Ali Waheed have also announced their imminent return to Maldives.