
MPL brings first double-decker bus

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has brought the first double-decker bus to be used in the Sina-Male' Bridge. The double-decker bus can accommodate 90-95 passengers.

MPL has decided to use a total of 22 buses, including 8 double-decker buses, for public transportation on Sina-Male' Bridge. Revealing information about the bus, MPL said the double-decker will be brought to service as soon as registration concludes.

Speaking to media, CEO of MPL Ibrahim Abdul Razzaq Haleem stated even though the bus service is currently free, efforts are underway to finalise the bus fare. In this regard, the CEO expressed the fare proposal has now been sent to a special committee for review.

Noting MPL aims to provide an affordable and a technology friendly service, Ibrahim Abdul Razzaq Haleem said a tap-to-pay rechargeable card will be used for the service rather than tickets. Ibrahim Abdul Razzaq Haleem highlighted to ease the service, a special mobile application has been developed which will show the bus routes and schedules. Furthermore, he expressed efforts are underway to begin bus service within Male' City, adding MPL aims to commence the service next year.

MPL has established a bus terminal at Male' Industrial Village.