
China assures to deepen mutual cooperation with Maldives

China has assured to work with Maldives to deepen mutual beneficial cooperation to deliver more tangible benefits to the two countries. In the statement released on the occasion of the 46th anniversary since diplomatic relations were established between the two countries, Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Zhang Lizhong stated over the past 46 years, China and Maldives, on the basis of principles of equality, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, have witnessed the consolidated traditional friendship and deepened cooperation of mutual benefit adding two countries have established a model of friendship and cooperation regardless of its size.

Highlighting the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Maldives is for the Maldivian people and in the common interests of people of both countries, Zhang Lizhong said China fully respects the will of the Maldivian government and takes local development needs into consideration in aims to deliver benefits to ordinary Maldivian people. China and Maldives are now standing at a new starting point in the history to further cement bilateral ties, expressed Lizhong.

Furthermore, in the statement, Chinese Ambassador noted this is the right time for China and Maldives to set sail together, assuring China will continue to provide support to the social-economic development of Maldives within its capability. Moreover, Zhang Lizhong also spoke on the development projects conducted by the Chinese government in Maldives continuing to cooperate in the development of Maldives.

Meanwhile, after the Maldivian presidential election in September, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, expressing congratulations on his election win and reiterated China's friendly policy towards the Maldives. President Xi also expressed China's readiness to work with the new Maldivian government to consolidate traditional friendship with the Maldives, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and elevate China-Maldives relations to a new height.

In this regard, Zhang Lizhong revealed Ibrahim Mohamed Solih assured him of the continuity of cooperation agreements already signed between the two sides and smooth implementation of the ongoing cooperation projects, during the courtesy call to president-elect a few days ago. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih also conveyed cordial greetings and best wishes to President Xi and thanked China for its contributions to the development of Maldives. He further expressed the new government is ready for more cooperation in the fields of livelihood, infrastructure and tourism to achieve better development of bilateral relations.