
Maldives supports resolution on Palestine

Maldives have supported the resolution to provide Palestine with all rights and responsibilities similar to that of a member state of the United Nations.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to temporarily allow Palestine deeper participation, additional rights and privileges, in its work as chair of the largest developing bloc at the United Nations. At a plenary meeting of the 193 member body, the US, Israel and Australia voted against the text entitled Chair of the Group of 77 for 2019, 15 members abstained, and an overwhelming 146 members voted in favour.

The Egyptian-drafted resolution allows Palestine to procedurally operate like a member state when acting on behalf of the G77 and China; making statements, submitting and co-sponsoring proposals and amendments, giving rights of reply and raising points of order. The Palestinians will assume the presidency of the bloc, which consists of 134 nations, on January 1, 2019, and hold it for one year.

Maldives has promoted the sovereignty of Palestine on every occasion possible.