
Motion submitted to dissolute Anti-Defection Act

Parliamentarians have submitted a motion calling for the dissolution of the Anti-Defection Act.

The act states parliamentarians elected on the ticket of a specific political party would lose their parliament seats on defection to another party. The motion calling for the dissolution of the Anti-Defection Act was submitted by Parliamentarian Riyaz Rasheed.

Speaking to PSM News Riyaz said the motion was submitted as he believed Anti-Defection Act contravenes with certain provisions in the Constitution of Maldives. The act obstructs parliamentarians from carrying out responsibilities in accordance with Article 75 and the privileges granted under Article 90 of the constitution, he added.

Article 75 of the constitution states parliamentarians shall represent not only their constituencies but the country as a whole. Article 90 of the constitution states no member or other person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court, and no person shall be subject to any inquiry, arrest, detention or prosecution, with respect to anything said, produced before, or submitted to the parliament or any of its committees, or with respect to any vote given if the same is not contrary to any tenets of Islam.