
Riza's membership at JSC in question

Parliamentarian Mohamed Nazim has proposed to remove Ibrahim Riza from his position as the parliament's representative at the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

In his motion, Nazim claims Riza is displaying injustice and illegitimacy in his actions at JSC. Nazim alleged that Riza, while a member of JSC, has been acting as a legal representative for certain people at courts of law.

The opposition parliamentarian added Riza has been charging large sums of money for his services in such cases. Nazim said in one such case, where Riza represented Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) at a court of law, he charged the company USD 187,750 in legal fees.

A member of an independent institution can be dismissed from the position via a no-confidence motion taken at parliament, according to Article 178 of the Parliament Regulation.