
Opposition expresses concern about the well-being of incarcerated former Vice President

Leaders of the opposition coalition have expressed concern about the state of incarcerated former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, citing he is being deprived of certain rights.

Opposition coalition's leaders are expressing concern about the health of the former vice president, who is serving lengthy sentences after being convicted of his involvement in the September 28, 2015 blast on the presidential speed boat and for his involvement in the corruption scandal of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC). His family cites doctors' orders in their demand to release him to seek medical attention abroad.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom, who has been released after an eight-month stint in jail, called upon the government to grant Adeeb medical release, for treatment from abroad. In a tweet, Maumoon said as all detainees should be treated equally, the former vice president should also be given the opportunity to seek adequate medical treatment.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed also expressed concern about Adeeb's health. Addressing his maiden press conference following his return to Maldives, Nasheed said Adeeb is not being detained in a proper state.

Meanwhile, President of Adhaalath Party Imran Abdulla said Adeeb is the detainee who is receiving the most torment in jail. Addressing the press after his release from jail, Imran said regardless of the fact Adeeb is implementing a sentence, he should be given the chance to seek medical attention.

Furthermore, Leader of Jumhooree Party Gasim Ibrahim also expressed concern about the former vice president.

Adeeb is suffering from glaucoma and need immediate specialist medical attention from abroad, according to his family. A civil lawsuit from Adeeb, complaining he has not been allowed to seek proper medical attention, has been rejected by courts of law.