
Parliamentarian submits to dismiss age cap for presidential candidates

Parliamentarian Ibrahim Falah has submitted a bill to dismiss the age cap set in the constitution for presidential candidacy. A presidential candidate must be aged between 35-65 years, according to an amendment brought to Maldivian Constitution in 2015.

Speaking to PSM News, Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Ibrahim Falah said he submitted the bill to abolish the amendment to eliminate the constitutional block to elderly citizens to run for presidency.

While Falah mentioned his objective of submitting the bill, previously parliamentarians widely debated on the presidential age group. Parliamentarians expressed the amendment was made to disqualify Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from contesting in a presidential election.

The amendment in 2015 was passed with the support of PPM and its coalition partner, Maldives Development Alliance (MDA). Current Speaker of Parliament Qasim Ibrahim also voted in favour of the amendment in 2015.