
Parliament to prevent increasing the number of parliamentarians

Parliamentarian Abdulla Khaleel has submitted an amendment to the Parliament to prevent increasing the number of parliamentarians. Abdulla Khaleel submitted to amend Article 71 and 72 of the Constitution.

The membership of the parliament shall be determined in accordance with two members for the first 5,000 residents registered for each administrative division or two members for administrative divisions with less than 5,000 residents; and where the residents registered to an administrative division exceed 5,000 residents, one additional member for each group of 5,000 residents in excess of the first 5,000, according to Article 71 (a) of the constitution.

The amendment submitted for Article 71 (a) recommends fixing the number of parliamentarians to 85 in accordance with parliamentary decision of May 28, 2014.

Meanwhile, according to Article 72 (a), each administrative division shall establish separate electoral constituencies in accordance with the principles specified in Article 71 of the constitution.

While Khaleel has submitted to fix the number of parliamentarians to 85, elections commission has decided to increase two constituencies for the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for March 2019.