
Children's Park to be open in the morning

Minister of Defence Mariya Ahmed Didi has declared the children's park operated by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) would be open for public, for a specific time in the mornings. Responding to grievances shared on Twitter, Minister Mariya said in addition to normal timings, the park would be open for public from in the mornings.

Earlier, the park was open for public only in the evenings. The park was closed for renovation for a long period of time before it was re-opened with new facilities in September 2017. It now houses a separate area where small parties and events can be held. However, the area is not yet in use.

The new administration seems to keenly monitor public grievances aired on social media with several cabinet ministers responding directly to issues raised.

While serving as the Spokesperson for the President-Elect, during the transitional period, Minister Mariya had reiterated public opinion would be one of the bases of the new administration.