
Health Minister departs to attend Partners' Forum 2018

Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen has departed to India to attend the Partners' Forum 2018 held by Partnership for Maternal, New-born and Child Health (PMNHC).

Health Minister Ameen travelled to India upon an invitation by Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda. The forum would held from December 12-13 in New Delhi, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi set to address the gathering.

The Partners' Forum serves as a regular global platform for the renewal of commitment to the mission and purpose of the partnership, for global high level advocacy and for achieving broad consensus on the strategy and priorities of the partnership. Participation at the forum comes from all constituencies and members of the partnership.

The forum seeks to consolidate and increase members' commitment to the objectives of the partnership and maintains and reinforces high level political commitment, enrich plans and activities through the active exchange of information and experience and make use of the forum meeting for advocacy, communications activities and social mobilisation at national and global levels, in addition to proving a forum for dissemination of good practice and experience.

PMNCH is an alliance of more than 1,000 organisations in 192 countries from the sexual, reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health communities, as well as health influencing sectors.

Meanwhile, during the forum, discussions will be held with Indian health authorities on collaborations in the health sector, according to health ministry.