
Presidential Committee formulated to review housing projects

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has decided to formulate a committee to review the execution of housing projects. The decision was made following advice from the cabinet.

The presidential committee which would consist of five members was formulated to review the execution of the Hiya Project, Gedhoruverikan Project and the Gulheefalhu Housing Project. In this regard, the committee would look into grievances from the public that accuse authorities of leasing flats from housing projects outside of set procedures and advise the president on how to proceed in connection with the issue.

The committee would also review the Hiya Project to the extent of reviewing how points were awarded to applicants and finding out responsible parties, if anything was found to be out of order. The committee would also advise the president on how flats should be awarded to the most deserving applicants, under these projects. The president has also decided to give monetary compensation for those who paid for housing under the Gulheefalhu Housing Project, but were not given flats.

These decisions have been made as part of the 100-day target set by the government for the housing sector.